Role of Government
Forming the right size government controlling international trade with ease on local economy without massive interference with the free-market economy.

What is the government for?
U.S. is a federal republic constituted of 50 states. U.S. is the world’s third-largest country by total area and the third most populous. As concluded in our constitution, the people through the government seek to form the greatest union. Our government raises and spends money and exercises its authority by regulating, legislating, and issuing executive orders and court orders.
Where We Stand
Term Limit
Term limit must be imposed at all levels depending on the type of office. All federal, state, county, or local offices should be abided to this.
Voting Rights
Every US citizen has the right of voting on all levels. However, securing the voting system from fraudulent act or manipulation is essential, therefore, voters must be identified and follow the proper voting procedure.
On yearly bases, voters’ lists should be updated regardless of U.S. citizens registered to vote or not taking in consideration the following updates:
Any person turns 18 years of age before the election day.
Any person become citizen by neutralization before the election day.
Any person deceased before the election day.
Any person change address before the election day.
Voting Procedure: As voting has taking new route, voting procedures must adjust accordingly. It is very important to follow the steps to insure voting fairness:
In-Person Voting:
Whether early voting or on voting date, verify identity must be done at the time of voting by election judges.
Mailing Ballet: It depends on the way the voting ballet is returned:
If mailing ballet returned in person at voting location, it will follow same procedure as in-person voting.
If mailing ballet returned at drop off box or mailed back, communication shall be made to insure identity.
Absentee Ballet: It will continue same previous procedure.
Foreign Policy
U.S. foreign policy has been traditionally consistent besides few changes and adjustment depends on the party who is ruling in specific period. We have our allies which we work together to sustain world stability and we have some countries or groups under watch for their act regarding destabilizing a country or region.
As much as we love to be the world police to secure stability, we should focus more on our country security and have our allies take some of this rolling in addition on focusing on the economy.
We believe in having strong military to defend our freedom and fight against evils. However, military budget should be accordance with certain percentage of our budget and to be used to maintain and advance our military.
Nuclear power should be used to advance human’s life not to devastate it. We believe in reducing our nuclear weapon arsenal accompany with total reduction in other countries who’s having nuclear weapon arsenal. Also, stopping more countries from getting nuclear weapons.